I am sitting in my classroom right now. We just came back from sitting in the hallway for about an hour or so because of threatening tornados. We have had some really bad weather lately, and I am not a huge fan. It scares me that these tornado threats don't scare me. I think it is because I didn't live here when several tornados hit, and I have never been involved in an actual tornado. Growing up, we always had tornado warnings, but we never did have an actual tornado. I think I would definitely feel differently had that been a different story. So, as I sit here, I ponder all the many things I need to be doing. I need to be finishing grading poetry books. I need to be cleaning my classroom. I need to be cleaning my house. Etc. Etc. Etc. But, I can't help but just sit here and listen to the rain fall on the roof of my portable. I feel the urgent need to take a nap on the couch that is in this room, but I fear there are ants and spiders in it because I have been seeing a lot of those around here lately. I think the rain drives them in. I guess I will get to work on something..all for now.
The meandering wanderings of the mind of a Wife, Aunt, Sister, Daughter, Friend, Teacher, and Wannabe Writer.

Love a Little.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Give it up.
There was this one time when I was little that I colored all over myself with sharpies. I took off all my clothes except my diaper and just marked everywhere. My mom proceeded to take my picture as I stood red-faced and crying, bottom lip poked out, standing in the kitchen. She said I immediately began to cry when she walked around the corner. I was caught...I knew what I had done was bad. I like to look back at that picture. I think that it is funny that my mom took the time to get her camera while I stood, wailing, in the kitchen. I wish I remember what was going through my head the whole time I was drawing on my body. I wish I remember the whole thing. If I could assume, I would say that I knew it was bad the whole time, but I did it anyway. Isn't that the way life always is. We do things that we know are wrong, but it really isn't until we get caught (or think we are going to get caught) that we cry and cause a scene. We think that we might can get out of it if we appear as though we are sorry, as though we are ashamed and worthy of grace. But, the thing is, is that we are never truly "worthy" of grace. When we are caught in a situation, red-handed so to speak, we are "caught" because we have done something wrong. And, even though we are not worthy of grace, God gives it to us anyway. Every time we mess up, every time we sin, every time we completely color all over ourselves with sharpies, God takes it all away if we ask him to. You know, my mom says that I had to stay in the bathtub all afternoon to get most of the sharpie off. She says that she had to keep letting the cold water out and filling it up with warm water. But, after staying in the tub all afternoon and getting a good scrubbing by Mom, I still had traces of sharpie. It had to wear off. When I sin, when I totally fall on my face, God makes it all go away--if I ask him to, if I ask him for forgiveness. He leaves no traces of it on my soul. Only he can wash it clean. When I try to take care of things on my own, it is like the sharpies...it never fully goes away.
We have to give our burdens to the Lord. We must. He, and only he, can take away our pain and our mistakes. James 5:13-16
Monday, April 18, 2011
My Uncle Eddie is going to France tomorrow. I have to admit that I am insanely jealous. You see, we spent our honeymoon in France, and I would give anything to go back...well, not anything, but you know what I mean.
I received an amazing email today from Tim--the Guyana trip planner. He was pleased to inform me that my trip balance was paid in full. PAID IN FULL! I talked to two men from my home church last night on the phone, and one of them had called him this morning and said that he wanted to pay for the whole trip. God is so amazing, and people are so incredible. I want to thank Dan for his generous and Godly heart. I feel as though a burden has been lifted. I wasn't "worried" about getting the money...but I was. :) I didn't realize how much so until I received that email this morning. I shouted out loud in my English Honors class and clapped my hands. I am sure they thought I was going crazy, but I am also sure it wouldn't be the first time they thought that.
Today marked school day #7 with no AC in our classrooms. You see, there are 3 of us teachers in one portable classroom building, and our AC has been broken since Fridays a week ago...It has been insanely hot, and I have some large Junior boys come in and out of my room. Needless to say, they have not quite kept their complaints to themselves. :) For the past week or so, my room has been so sticky I am surprised we are not all wilted and unable to function. Oh wait... :) I have gotten very skillful at tying my door open with an old computer cord, and if you place the big box fan in the doorway, it pulls in the cooler air from outside. It's rather nice. But, I am very thankful to have a job and a room to teach in, so I guess I should just can it. But, it has been hot...we are all inclined to some complaints, right?
Chris gave Lewis a bath tonight. We noticed some fleas on him, so that can only mean 2 things...Spring is here, and it is bath time!! I always laugh out loud when Lewis comes bounding into the living room after his bath. You would think he was out of control. He shakes and sneezes like a maniac. It is rather entertaining. Maybe I will record it next time because it is the same every time.
Alright. Goodnight All.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
This summer is going to be an adventure...to say the least. Here is a summer rundown: End of May--trip to FL to see everyone there. June 18-July 4--Trip out west with the Bentleys. July 9-16--Mission trip to Guyana, South America. July 29-August 2--Atlantis with the girls. August 8--Inservice and August 12--School starts. Ahhhh. 
To add to the excitement, we are building our own teardrop camper. Yes, you read correctly, we are building it. Do not worry, though, I will keep you up to date on here with pictures and news. So far, we have bought the base trailer and built the floor. And when I say we, I hope you realize that I mean Chris and John Bentley. I have had nothing to do with the building of this...which is how it should be. I have, however, been being a little on the crafty side. I made a pillow for my niece's 3rd birthday, and I have to say that it is my favorite pillow I have made as of yet. And, I made a guitar out of fabric and string for my uncle's new music room. Chris framed it for me. :) I am a little sad that I forgot to take a picture of the guitar in the frame. But, here is the pillow. The back is multi-colored polka dots.

I am really excited about the busy summer, but I am also a little nervous about it all. That is a lot for one summer!
I have decided that I might like to sell some of these things that I have gotten pretty good at making. I looked into selling on Etsy.com, but it charges you. So, I will put some pictures up on here as I make things, and if anyone reading would like to purchase something or have me make something special, I will. We'll see. Night to all.
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