Love a Little.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Chris and I had a pleasant evening last night. We came home from church and settled in to watch a movie. We probably started the movie around 9. We let Lewis lay with us on the couch because he was clean and flea-free at the moment, and he is a good cuddler, and it was cold. :) Well, after the movie, we decided to just go ahead and go to bed; it was around 11:00 or so. Lewis sleeps on a blanket in our bedroom floor, and he just did not want to lay down. He kept walking from my side of the bed to Chris's side of the bed, and back forth, and back and forth...Well, I just thought he wanted to get in bed with us because we had let him on the couch, so I went to sleep. At about 12:30 AM, I awoke to a very weird noise. You know when you wake up and are a bit addled? That was how I felt. I wasn't exactly sure what had woken me at first, but it soon dawned on me that it wasn't pleasant. Chris also woke up, which he never does unless I disturb his slumber. After asking me what the noise was, I came to a realization that went something like this: "Oh no! It's Lewis...he's peeing!!!!!!" We immediately and simultaneously turned out lamps to shed light on the issue, and sure enough, there he all his glory. He was at the foot of our bed by now, and he was letting loose all over the rug. Chris jumped out of bed (as if to make him stop), and consequently stepped in pee. Lewis had begun peeing by Chris's side of the bed, walked into the bathroom, walked on the rug toward my side of the bed, turned around, and become content with relieving himself the rest of the way on our pretty rug. Chris was saying things like, "No." "Stop." "Lewis, stop." If I recall correctly, he was also standing away from the rug trying to swat at Lewis. None of these things stopped Lewis from finishing. Chris opened the bedroom door, and Lewis practically ran down the hallway to get outside; I am not really sure why he was running so urgently...hadn't he already completely relieved himself? Once Lewis was outside, we had to clean-up (Did I mention is was now like 12:45ish in the morning?). Chris lifted the bed while I pulled the rug out from under it, and he took the rug outside, hosed it off, and laid it out to dry on top of the grill. Meanwhile, I sopped up Lewis's pee with towels and disinfected the floor. Wow. I have never seen so much pee in my life. It was EVERYWHERE!!!
We think that Lewis has been drinking from a bucket of rainwater outside. We send him out to do his business, and he does, but he also goes and drinks to his hearts content. So, when he comes back inside, his bladder is already filling up again...evidently he was drinking from the bucket when we let him out before bed...what a night.