Love a Little.

Monday, January 4, 2010


So, I am a teacher. Today I must return to school....sad I know. :) Not everyone gets a 2 week long break in the middle of the holiday season. I have to admit that I am a little happy to get back into the swing of things. There is something nice about having a schedule that makes me feel like I am accomplishing something--even if I am not. I had a long talk with my husband last night about getting older. I am 23. I know, sounds ridiculous. However, I feel almost as if I am being forced to settle down by my surroundings. Do most people "settle down" at the age of 23? And, what is it about gaining responsibility that scares me? Well, here I am sitting at my desk--no Internet at home, so I guess I will type from my desk before school. Elaborate more later I suppose.

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