It is official. I am a blogger. I have no idea who on earth will read this, but to those who will an introduction is in order. I am Britney. 23. English Teacher. Wife. Aunt. Sister. Daughter. I love to write. It makes me feel alive, like I have something to offer that will be a little more important than spoken words. That being said, I do not claim to be an excellent writer...or even a good one. So, here I am. End of introduction.
Have you even been sitting on your couch or at your desk and something from your past just come over you? For instance, I was sitting in the passenger seat of my car the other day, and all of a sudden I remembered how my dad used to come in late at night to turn my lava lamp off. I remember I would try so very hard to stay awake until he came in, and if I did, we would argue over who loved the other the most. Random I know. I told it to my husband, and he gave me the "that's nice" face, and we moved on to something else.
I sometimes wish I could write down the thoughts I have during the know just the random things I think when a student asks me a stupid question or I see something odd on the side of the road, so I guess I will use this blog for those things... and just ideas in general.
If anyone does happen across this, enjoy.
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