Love a Little.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I have made a decision. I will blog something everyday for an entire year. If I am not near a computer, I will write down what I want to say, and I will type it here when a computer is available. For instance, on March 18, I amheaded to Leon, Nicaragua, until March 25. I will not have much internet access (if any) while I am there, so I will journal and enter when I get back.
I do not have many expectations for this year-long blog. I don't really expect to garner hundreds of followers or even tens. I would say that I want to double my following, but I don't really know how to double zero... :)
I have no idea what I will write about. I struggle to think of things right now, but I think that this project will help me grow as a person
and as a writer. Who knows where my wanderings will take me.'s to the next 365 days. May the be real, honest writing. May I laugh, cry, discover, and become over this next year.

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