Theses are some things that I just don't understand...
- When you order water with lemon, why can't they bring you lemon when they bring you a refill? I mean, if I have clearly squeezed my lemon into my water, don't you think I might want more? Maybe it has something to do with water being free...
- Why are there so many check-out lines at Walmart when only like 3 are open at the same time? I have only seen all the check-outs open once--the day after Thanksgiving.
- Why do public speakers insist on misusing "I"? I mean, I know it may seem like it makes you sound smarter if you use "you and I" instead of "you and me," but if it is used wrong, it only sounds stupid.
- Here's another grammar question Why do advertisers insist on using apostrophes in the wrong places? We sell Tv's. You sell the Tv's what? Apostrophes don't make things plural; they make things possessive. Why don't advertisers and businesses check their grammar before the plaster their ads all over billboards and vehicles?
- If you are driving on a one way street, why can't you turn left on red onto another one way street? Or can you?
- Where do my socks go? How is it that I always end up losing one sock in the wash?
- Why is Latin considered a dead language? I mean, we still study it, don't we? If it is studied, it is spoken; therefore, it is not dead...just a little sick maybe.
- With exception to taking the Lord's name in vain, who decided which words were curse words? If I decided that the word "foot" was a curse word, would it be one? If I don't see a curse word as a curse word, is it still cursing if I say it?
- Have older people always talked about the "kids," saying things like, "Kids these days..." and "When I was younger, we didn't act this way"? I think they probably have.
- And, finally...Why is gas so stinkin' expensive?
Just a few things to ponder. Add some if you'd like.
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