Love a Little.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nothing to write.

I'm not really sure what day this is of my year long blogging experience, but I have to say that sometimes it is really hard to think of something to write. I don't readily have impressive and insightful thoughts to share with the world. I like having a blog because I like being able to write (or type) the things that do pop into my head, but tonight, I am bloglessly thoughtless. Nonetheless, I must write.
I am leaving for Nicaragua in 2 days. I have to admit that is really all that is on my mind right now. I need to clean, pack, clean, get the point. I don't understand how I can clean my house and it still look messy. It doesn't really make much sense to me. I don't want to leave my house in a mess. Well, I don't really care to leave it in a mess, but I do care to come home to a mess. It all pays off in the just takes a lot to get there. I would show you a picture, but it was just be too much. You might judge me. And by the way...we still don't know what we are going to do with Lewis while we are gone. Have I mentioned we leave in 2 days?

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