Love a Little.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just some Random Things.

So...two weeks ago, we cancelled our cable. I think it was definitely a good decision, but I do have to admit that I have missed mindlessly sitting in front of the TV at the end of the day--whether that is good or bad, I refuse to admit. So, last night, Chris and I bought a Blu-ray player...with built-in Netflix! I have to say, we are really excited!

On another note, we leave for Nicaragua in 5(ish) days! I am thrilled. I have been trying to get everything in one place and making sure that I have everything I need. I am notorious for getting to my destination and remembering something I forgot. In Nicaragua, it isn't that easy to procure things forgotten in the U.S. So, I am taking a new route and making a list and packing early. One thing that we haven't figured out yet is WHO IS GOING TO TAKE CARE OF LEWIS! Ugh. I looked in to boarding him, but it is going to be like $215.00, and that is on the lower end of what it could cost at this place. We have no idea what to do...and THAT is kind of a big deal. So, other than finding someone to care for the pooch, here is my To-Do list before we leave:
  • Finish laundry AND put it away
  • Clean house--really well!
  • Pack (of course)
  • Make sure all papers are graded and recorded
  • Finish Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks
  • Find a new book to take with me--Any ideas?
  • Sleep!! :)
Not a terribly long list. I think I will be ok. :) Have I mentioned that I can't wait to get to Nicaragua?

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