Love a Little.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


We leave for Nicaragua in 10 days! I am thrilled, excited, blessed, and a little nervous. Last year's trip went so well, and I just know this year will go just as splendidly. I have been really praying about the trip, and I have also been praying about another trip. My home congregation is taking a trip to Guyana, South America, this summer, and my dad is going with them. This past weekend, it became available for me to go as well. I just can't decide if this is what I should do. I can't lie; I think this trip would be a growing experience for me, but I am apprehensive about leaving the country without Chris. In fact, I have never left the country without him. Well, one time I went to Canada with my friend Erin, but I don't really think that counts.
I can't wait to see what God is going to tell me to do. Go or not doesn't matter. God will provide. So, tonight I am prayerful. I am praying for our Nicaragua trip and for my maybe trip to Guyana.
Pray for me!

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