Love a Little.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

To Kindle or Not to Kindle...

So, I have been contemplating wanting a Kindle. I love to read, and I also love books.I love the feel of a book, the smell of a book, and the way I can count how many pages a chapter has before I read it. So, I think I want a Kindle...think being the key word. Sometimes I want one, and then sometimes I feel like I would be cheating literature by purchasing one. In case you don't know yet, I teach American Literature to 11 graders. I have them read all the time, and it would be nice to have all those books in one place for me to look pull up quickly. But, can I highlight and underline on a Kindle? And, if I can, is it as easy as just opening a pen or highlighter? Is giving in to new technology bad? Should I stand my ground as an English major and keep it to the real books? If I purchase a Kindle, does that mean I can never buy another real book? I like to place my books on my shelf when I finish reading is like I have conquered them. :) Decisions...Decisions...Hmm...

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